June 19, 2023

#184: Funding To Fight Lead: Using Municipal Bonds

Replacing the nation’s lead service lines in a timely manner is going to require funding beyond government dollars. The municipal bonds that utilities use for a variety of water infrastructure projects are an untapped resource for lead service line replacement.

This episode is part of a series, Funding To Fight Lead.

Replacing the nation’s lead service lines in a timely manner is going to require funding beyond government dollars. The municipal bonds that utilities use for a variety of water infrastructure projects are an untapped resource for lead service line replacement.

This episode about the use of municipal bonds is particularly of interest to utility leadership, financial staff, and municipal managers. The conversation features Marc Uy, portfolio Manager for municipal impact at AllianceBernstein; Stephen Spitz, leader of the water and wastewater financing team at Orrick; and Clifford Gerber, tax lawyer at Norton Rose Fulbright.

The guests discuss how impact investors are interested in water infrastructure such as lead service line replacement, the ability for municipalities to finance the work on private property because of the public benefit, and the tax implications including exemption.

waterloop is a nonprofit media outlet. Visit waterloop.org

This episode is made possible by support from the WaterNow Alliance and Environmental Policy Innovation Center and is sponsored by:

120Water offers cloud-based software and digital sampling kits to help water systems and states to execute lead programs. Visit 120water.com

LeadCopperRule.com helps utilities proactively manage lead communications and public information emergencies. Visit leadcopperrule.com

BlueConduit has developed cutting-edge, predictive machine learning software to effectively locate lead service lines. Visit blueconduit.com