💧H2O INTRO 🤝 Meet Bethel Abate
The Potomac River and other waterways in Washington, D.C., are undergoing a remarkable transformation, thanks to the DC Clean Rivers Project. This $2.7 billion initiative addresses the city's historic combined sewer overflow problem, which has long polluted its rivers.
Bethel Abate, a Civil Engineer at DC Water, describes the innovative system of deep tunnels and massive storage shafts that divert and store overflow until it can be treated at the Blue Plains facility. These efforts have already achieved a 96% reduction in combined sewer overflows, dramatically improving water quality.
Bethel highlights the profound responsibility water professionals have to care for these rivers and ensure they become a source of pride and joy for future generations.
She is an alumni of the Water Innovation Leadership Development program at Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment and Duke Environment Plus.
#DCCleanRivers #SustainableCities #WaterQuality #EngineeringInnovation #UrbanWaterManagement #CleanWaterSolutions #CombinedSewerOverflow #PotomacRiver #BluePlains #waterloop #washingtondc #infrastructure #water