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Transforming $1 Into $27 for Safer Water

Cook County’s innovative approach to lead service line replacement has achieved remarkable results, leveraging $27 in funding for every $1 invested.

By offering wraparound support to municipalities navigating State Revolving Fund (SRF) applications under the bipartisan infrastructure law, the county ensures even resource-strapped communities can access transformative funding.

Drew Williams-Clark of Cook County shares how this strategy has already brought $12.1 million in new dollars to improve public health and drinking water safety.

Episode at https://bit.ly/LeadCookCounty

#LeadFree #CookCounty #SafeDrinkingWater #InfrastructureInnovation #WaterInfrastructure #CommunityHealth #EnvironmentalJustice #SRFFunding #CleanWater #HealthyCommunities #BipartisanInfrastructureLaw #PublicHealth #LeadServiceLineReplacement #WaterSolutions